Tajpur , Rajarampur, Mahishadal, Purba Medinipur,W.B. Pin-721628

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Mr. Prasun Das (Secretary) 9609509476/7479034180 kbiher2022@gmail.com Institute Contact Person - Mr. Prasun Das kbiher2022@gmail.com Institute type - Private Ltd www.kbiher.inAbout the Institution
Welcome greetings from the proposed institution KSHUDIRAM BOSE INSTITUTE OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND RESEARCHunder LAKSHMIBALA MEMORIAL DEVELOPMENT TRUST. The overall development of the students in order to face the new challenges and modern technologies in medical science.Preparing Paramedics who will function as health team members for first level position in the hospital and the community.Developing programmes based on sound educational learning and scientific principles, emphasizing more on clinical and community practices. Practicing and developing the profession interdependent on medical and paramedical professions for preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative health.Preparing a successful team member and also provide opportunities to develop the communication skills to practice in the paramedical profession Providing a strong basic foundation which will enable the paramedics for further professional growth and developmentKeeping this in mind, KSHUDIRAM BOSE INSTITUTE OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND RESEARCHhas launched the Paramedic College in Purba Medinipur offering fulltime regular degree courses under the affiliation of WBUHS in 2022.
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